• Common Core Resources for Parents
    A new way of teaching and learning has come to Harrisville! Teachers at HCS have started implementing the NYS Learning Modules in ELA and Math.  Though Math and ELA are the  focus of these modules, they include parts of the Science and Social Studies curriculum.  However, because there are not always enough grades to accurately assess your child's learning, you may not see a grade for each subject with every report card.


    What Parents Can Do to Help their Children Learn

    The Common Core State Standards ask teachers to make 12 major “shifts” or (changes) in their classrooms six shifts in English language arts and six shifts in Mathematics. These changes may be tough at first as students and teachers adjust to higher expectations.

    As a parent, you can help and learn more by talking with your child about what they are learning. Ask open-ended questions about what they learned in school each day, read their homework and attend school events to learn about what their teachers expect.