• Prom

  • Prom Details
    • Tickets
      • are being sold by Renée Hooper, Harlee Cook, Cadence Atkinson
      • No tickets will be sold at the door
    • Prices:
      • $20.00 couple
      • $12.00 single
    • The Prom is on June 5th from 8:00pm to midnight 
    • Theme: “Under the Stars”
    • The prom will be held outside in the front circle, refreshments and a meal will be provided
    • The prom is for 9-12th graders only and guests from other schools are allowed pending paperwork required by our school. The outside guests must be accompanied with a Harrisville student and have purchased the ticket ahead of time.
    • The crowning
      • For the seniors will be at 9:30pm
      • For the juniors at 11:30pm.
        • It will be live streamed.
        • Each junior and senior will be allowed two guests to come in person for the crowning only at the selected time. Those guests will have to be on the list when the student purchase their ticket.
    • Masks are required as well as social distancing.
    • Dancing is allowed.
    • No testing or show of a vaccine is required to attend the prom as we are following the guidelines by holding it outside.