This year the 5th Grade is departmetalized with the 6th grade teachers. This means the 5th grade will have myself or Mrs. Morgan as their homeroom teachers. I am also the 5th and 6th grade math teacher. The students will have Mrs. Thayer for Reading and Mrs.Morgan for Writing, Science and Social Studies.
Our ClassroomI strive to make my classroom a welcoming and safe place for my students.Classroom Rules:Following along with Responsive classroom our classroom rules are:Care for self- be an active, accountable, and focused learner. Care for others: Be respectful, kind and helpful to others. Care for the environemnt: Be mindful and kind to our learning spaces.When students do not follow the rules we use logical consequences. If they are misbehaving in the halls they will lose the privledge of walking in the halls independently and will walk with an adult. If they cannot follow the expectations and rules in the cafeteria they will lose the privlidge of eating in the cafeteria and will eat in my classroom, the office or ISI.Students will be asked to "fix" any other rules they may break such as being safe, hurting someone's feelings/body, or misusing classroom materials.If you have any questions about the rules or consequences please contact me. I will be contact with parents about students behaviors if they are reoccuring.Homework Policy
Reading Logs:Students will read every night at home and log their reading on a reading log. Reading logs will be turned in every Monday for a grade.
Math: I assign an independent worksheet every Monday and it is due on Friday. If it is not done by Friday they can take it home for the weekend but it is counted as late and will receive -5 points. I do not except it after Monday. The student will receive a zero in the grade book.
Social Studies and Science: This will vary based on the topic and what can get done in class. Students may have a worksheet or short assignment to complete at home.
Students will fill in their agendas every day at the end of the day with any homework they have left to do.
Absent- If a student is absent they will get an additional day to complete the assignment. If they are absent 2 days they will have 2 days to complete the assignment. If they are absent 3 or more days in a week they will not have to complete the assignment, they will have enough to catch up on that week.
Birthdays and Celebrations
I will celebrate every child's birthday (even summer kids) throughout the year. When it is your child's birthday celebration you may send a special snack for them to share with the class. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING WITH NUTS! I am highly allergic to all nuts.Communication
I will keep in contact with parents and guardians throughout the school year. I will contact you with information, concerns, and accomplishments. I will also send home graded papers and important papers home in Friday Letters.If you need to contact me you may call me at the school and I will call you back as soon as possible. You can also email me at mweir@hcsk12.org.